Corporate Governance, a matter of trust for investors...

If you follow my blog, you will already know that there is a lack of interest in the field of corporate governance in Turkey. This is the first time Capital Markets Board fined a listed Company for not preparing its Corporate Governance Report as a part of Annual Company Report. Penguen Gıda, one of the listed companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange is fined to pay 10.000 YTL (appr. 7.400 USD). It is not a surprising decision, even lacking influence if you consider the importance of the subject. Moreover if you visit the company’s web as an investor to get some information about the company’s corporate governance policy, it won’t be possible. Although Penguen has been properly elected as the "most trusted conserves producer in Turkey" by consumers in 2004, as an investor I want Penguen to give more emphasis on disclosure and corporate governance.

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