Dogan Yayın Holding’s national corporate governance rating score has been increased

Dogan Yayın Holding’s national corporate governance rating score has been increased to 8,5 from 8,0 over 10 by “ISS Corporate Services, Inc. (ISS)”, the leading global corporate governance rating organization.
In Turkey, corporate governance rating activities are performed in compliance with the “Corporate Governance Principles” issued in July 2003 and revised in February 2005 by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB). CMB Corporate Governance Principles are in compliance with ‘OECD Corporate Governance Principles,’ issued by OECD in 2004; furthermore, the document includes the country-specific principles and practices in accordance with OECD recommendations.
As from the issue of CMB Corporate Governance Principles in 2003, Dogan Yayın Holding has performed significant action with the aim of accommodating the company and its publicly listed companies with the corporate governance principles and pursue its organizational structure and activities to this effect.
ISS has highly rated the ‘public disclosure and transparency’ sub-category activities of Doğan Yayın Holding by assigning 9,5 over 10.
Mr. Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ, the CEO of Doğan Yayın Holding emphasizing the importance of corporate governance practices, stated that: “best practice approaches will help companies to increase their reputation and is key to sustainability and consistency; while there is an increasing interest in Turkish companies and as we are in The EU accession period, companies that achieve both financial performance and good governance will draw attention and be upfront”. In his interview he also mentioned that, the work done has started to create permanent results and the following has been stated: “as being a company, with its corporate governance practices, presented as a case study this year in the ICCA’s 2nd International Conference on the Globalization and the Good Corporation, Doğan Yayın Holding is to be included in the Corporate Governance Index to be issued by ISE; perpetuating the leading position in this field and changing into a global unique example for the media organizations worldwide .

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